Uplifting vs Relaxing

Do you need relief or stimulation? Relaxing or rejoicing? What about sedatives and pain relief? The strains we have to offer can do all of the above, but some are energy giving while some help you sleep. Keep reading to find out what makes up the difference between these strains!

Have you noticed that lavender is calming while lemon is stimulating? The same terpenes and cannabinoids in these herbs and fruit are present in cannabis strains. Cannabinoid rich foods and herbs like sweet potato and rosemary improve mood and stimulate different parts of the body.

What is the Difference Between Cannabis Strains?
You may be used to calling relaxing strains Indica and uplifting strains Sativa, but that is not the best description. These plants have a variety of profound effects that vary in every single strain!
Besides the varying effects, indica and sativa plants just plain and simply grow differently in different areas of the globe. These plants are actually classified by their physical structure. Indica plants are small, bushy, and grow in colder environments. They have s shorter growth period, ranging around 8 weeks. This plant yields more flower, making it a popular choice for farmers. Sativa plants are long, lanky, and grow in warm humid climates like

Central America, Africa, and Asia. They grow up to twenty feet and have an average growing period of 10 - 12 weeks.

Although we are used to calling uplifting strains sativa and relaxing strains indica, the terpenes vary in every plant, which creates an entire new feeling. Indica flowers can have stimulating terpenes that will make you feel uplifted and motivated. Sativa flowers can have relaxing terpenes that make you sleepy. At Kefi Kanna, we are moving toward a classification system based on terpenes and their effects, so you can have a better understanding and make the right choice for you.

How do Terpenes Change the Strain?

Uplifting strains are consumed for their benefits of energy, imagination, engagement, and creativity. Relaxing strains are consumed for their benefits of pain relief, sleep, and peace of mind.

Every strain, no matter the classification, has a unique combination of terpenes and cannabinoids that changes the effects and makes each variety special in its own way. Certain strains may react well with your body because your endocannabinoid system is SO unique!

Terpenes like myrcene, linalool and pinene have a stronger physical sensation that affects the body. These are sedative and pain relieving. Limonene is used to uplift the mind from depression and anxiety, which gives the plant more of a cerebral effect. Don’t be afraid to combine different strains to find the perfect remedy you need!

Although we have the basics down between relaxing and stimulating, what matters is finding medicine that is unique to you and your needs. Uplifting strains may make me creative and artsy, but it may make you productive and ready for math class!

The Science Behind Cannabis

The main cannabinoids present in cannabis are THC, CBG and CBD. These combine with terpenes and create varying effects and smells in every strain. Did you know that CBD and Delta 8 come from hemp? Legally, hemp is anything with less than 0.3% Delta9 THC.
Here is our 101 guide on picking out a strain

  • Identify what feeling you are seeking. Sedative, sensual, creative, productive, ect.
  • Finding the right dosage. If you’re looking for extreme relaxation, you may want something high in CBD and medium to low in THC.
  • Terpene guide - Check out our terpene guide at Kefi Kanna, or research them on your own.